Strider Urban Challenge
Strider Singapore was given the privilege of being part of the 3 iteration of Urban Wheels held at SCAPE @ Orchard. The event was held over 2 days 20th and 21st of January. In true fashion with the theme of the event we ran a time trial obstacle as our race format. The kids will have to negotiate their way around a 120 meter course with them having to clear obstacles in their way. There were rollers, ramps for them to overcome. The difficulty of the course was modified to the different age group. Providing a more challenging race as the age of the kid increased. We had the 2 year old, 3 year old, 4 year old and 5 year old category. In total we had 53 kids take part. 11 2 year olds, 23 3 year olds, 14 4 year olds and 5 5 year olds. We had our friends from across the cause-way come to take part in our race as well, for that we want to thank you for your every dying support.
Saturday the 20th started at 9am in the morning, with the 2 year olds coming for registration and taking to the race course for their practice runs followed by the 3 year olds to 4 and 5 year olds. The roller proved to be their only main challenge as they blew pass the other obstacles. Its an amazement how fast these young kids can adapt to what is thrown to them, soon all of them were flying round the course. Practice lasted till 1pm with all the kids going round the course a zillion times, one wonders how much energy they kids have.
Sunday started bright an early. 9 am sharp the first rider was flagged off the line. Our youngest competitor age 1 yr 11 months was flying on course even though he was a little dude. He clocked a timing of 1 mins 56 secs over a distance of 120 meters. Not bad for a little one. The fastest time for the 2 yr old category was clocked at 1 min 14 secs. As the age of the rider increased the timing dropped. The fastest 3 year old clocking a time of 43 secs. The fastest 4 year old was also 43 secs, he fall midway during the race only to recover very well and still finish first. The 5 year old clocked a time of 39 secs. This was also the first time a cycling event had daddies and their kids racing together. It was a great family outing. Fathers got to bond with their kids doing the same thing. We also had a mummy and daddy race, where the adults get to use our larger Strider bikes to also have a go at the race course. It sure gave everyone a good laugh, also allowed the parents to be part of what kids had gone through, more importantly it gave the kids a chance for them to see their parents in action, after all our children are the ones they look up too. Till our next race/event, STRIDER ON!